
I'vebeentryingtousetheSetupDiGetClassDevsEx()functioninthewin32APItoretreivealistofinstalleddevicesonaremotesystemwithlittlesuccess.,2020年9月4日—Theideaisthattheerrorwillbereturnedbythecall,soyoushouldnevertocallGetLastErroryourself.Andyourcodeshowsthat:theerr ...,2022年4月20日—ThelastErrorobjectisacopyofthepipelineasofwhentheerrortriggeredandnotsimplyareferencetothecurrentpipeline.,Returnsth...

Help! GetLastError() returns

I've been trying to use the SetupDiGetClassDevsEx() function in the win32 API to retreive a list of installed devices on a remote system with little success.


2020年9月4日 — The idea is that the error will be returned by the call, so you should never to call GetLastError yourself. And your code shows that: the err ...

Can 'getLastError' return objects in its 'pipeline' output?

2022年4月20日 — The lastError object is a copy of the pipeline as of when the error triggered and not simply a reference to the current pipeline.


Returns the list of error classes that occurred during processing of the functions. The following functions set the error class list in the event of an error.

GetLastError returns 6 after call to WinHttpOpenRequest

Error code 6 is the System Error Code ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. It tells you that the hConnect you pass into WinHttpOpenRequest is invalid.


GetLastError returns the calling thread's last-error code value. The last-error code is maintained on a per-thread basis.

How to get the error message from the error code returned ...

To obtain an error string for system error codes, use the FormatMessage() function. See the Retrieving the Last-Error Code example on MSDN.

系統錯誤碼(0-499) (WinError.h)

2023年6月13日 — 當許多函式失敗時, GetLastError 函式會傳回它們。 若要擷取應用程式中錯誤的描述文字,請使用FormatMessage 函式搭配FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM 旗 ...

GetLastError function (errhandlingapi.h)

2024年2月6日 — You should call the GetLastError function immediately when a function's return value indicates that such a call will return useful data. That is ...